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Youth Camp,2010-aktivita pre mládežníkov...

Po niekolkých úspešných ročníkoch v Rakúsku,Slovensku a Nemecku sa tohoto ročníka organizačne ujal taliansky klub Alta Valtellina,Bormio....tu sú propozície podujatia.Správna rada prekonzultuje prípadnú účast na tomto podujatí...aktivita je od primeraných ročníkov vítaná,nasledné informácie zverejníme.

The SCI CLUB ALTA VALTELLINA is going to organize an International Meeting for Youth in Bormio/Valdisotto area on the 17-18-19th of December 2010.
The meeting follows the first edition organized last November, when 70 young athletes (junior and cadet), coming from all the Region of the north of Italy, joined the meeting.
That success convinced us to promote the same event for this year, but we would like to involve even all the young athletes from abroad.


Thursday 16th December 2010
Arrival of delegations and registrations

Friday 17th December 2010
8.45 am Presentation of the program of the following days at the Hotel Cepina
10.15 am Exploration of the Sprint race course
11.00 am Sprint race team of 4 athletes (1 for each category)
2.00 pm Pasta party
4.00 pm Return to the hotel
5.00 pm Presentation of ARTVA and of the First Aid of Mountain Rescue
8.00 pm Dinner at the Hotel Cepina
9.30 pm Prize-giving of the Sprint race by companies that are sponsors of the event and presentation
new materials for the season 2010/2011 by companies that are partners of the event.

Saturday 18th December 2010
9.30 am Meeting place Bormio 2000 and ascent to Rocca Est
10.00 am Rally team race with time trials of ascent, giant slalom downhill and ARTVA test
2.00 pm Buffet lunch
5.00 pm Return to the Hotel Cepina
6.00 pm Discussion about the questionnaire, day analyses and video of the Rally
7.30 pm Dinner at the Hotel Cepina
9.30 pm Prize-giving of the Rally race by companies that are sponsors and presentation new materials
for the season 2010/2011 by companies that are partners of the event.(10 minutes for each

Sunday 19th December 2010
9.00 am Start race in Forte di Oga
9.30 am Start of the women’s individual race (about 600 metres)
10.30 am Start of the men’s individual race (about 900 metres)
1.00 pm Final lunch with typical dishes of the Valtellina area at the Hotel Cepina;
prize-giving ceremony of the Individual races and Overall. Special prize-giving of the best
team which will have at least one athlete for each category and will obtain the best results.

Inscriptions fees are fixed in € 100.00 for categorie cadets junior and 1 team manager each 6 athelts and comprends:
• Meeting registration
• Full board at HOTEL CEPINA
• Registration
for all three races
Registrations will be closed at 18,00 of Friday, December 10 2010 and not over than 100 partecipants

Katarína Belicová      2010-11-14 23:02:50            [Zobrazené 941x]          Odkaz na Facebook

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