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Slovenská skialpinistická asociácia je člen International Ski Mountaineering Federation   SSA je clen ISMF
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Konferencia Sportacord a ISMF vo Svajciarsku.

ISMF will be at the 5th SportAccord Forum

From 14.-16.11.2011, ISMF, with its president Armando Mariotta and Committee Director Pierre Dollo, will be at the 5th SportAccord Forum in Lausanne. The main topics addressed by the Forum will be “Sports and the city” and “the creation of an effective Federation”. These three days in Lausanne will be focussed on the way the cities that host sporting events must be and work, as well as the challenges they will be facing.
In particular, Pierre Dollo will attend the workshops "Find the right venue for your event" and "How to sell your event", looking into partnership opportunities for international federations and venues for successful events. Armando Mariotta will attend lectures about “Rules and regulations for International Federations” – The Regulatory Framework a federation must have to work”, and “The value of consistency” – values and benefits of a long-term commitment to a place or region. Mariotta explains what SportAccord is. «It is the international association that brings together all the Olympic and non-Olympic international sports federations. So we find such members as ISMF, which is not an Olympic federation yet, and other members, such as FIS».
Why is it so important for ISMF to be a member of Sport Accord?
«Being a member of SportAccord (it joined at the London assembly in April 2011) was an important achievement, because SportAccord is deemed to be practically mandatory if you want to eventually become a member of C.I.O., the world Olympic Committee. Being a member of SportAccord is an important opportunity to join the big family of international sports, not least to engage in the required lobbying work, which is definitely useful. Probably, in Lausanne, during the Forum (14-15-16 November), Pierre Dollo and I will meet Mr. Kasper, president of FIS».
It’s just a few weeks till the beginning of the World Cup. What’s the federal situation of ski tourism like?
«I’d say it’s good. We are working hard at all the season’s events and at the same time we are making important contacts with nations which are interesting for the development of ski tourism, such as Iran, the United States and India. If nothing unexpected happens, some Iranian athletes will take part in one of our events in Italy during the Pizzo dei Tre Signori race in Premana

Katarína Belicová      2011-11-17 18:29:16            [Zobrazené 719x]          Odkaz na Facebook

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