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Slovenská skialpinistická asociácia je člen International Ski Mountaineering Federation   SSA je clen ISMF
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Jasná, 5.4.2014
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PlagatPreteky dvojíc pozvanie - 17.3.2013

Propozície v anglickom jazyku - pozvanie na Olymp!!!!

Dear Federation Officials,

A very important celebration is about to take place in the year 2013 for Greek and international mountaineering. The Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Mount Olympus First Ascent by organizing the OLYMPUS Ski Mountaineering Team Race. Our race is certified by the International Ski Mountaineering Federation (I.S.M.F) and will take place on Mount Olympus on 17th of March 2013. Please find attached the brochure and the poster of our race.

We would really appreciate the circulation of the brochure and the poster to your members.

Kind Regards

The Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing

The President - D. Georgoulis
The Secretary General - M. Fourioti

Miro Leitner      2013-02-26 00:09:12            [Zobrazené 823x]          Odkaz na Facebook

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