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Slovenská skialpinistická asociácia je člen International Ski Mountaineering Federation   SSA je clen ISMF
Finále SP<br>Jasná, 5.4.2014
Finále SP
Jasná, 5.4.2014
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Dobre správy od olympijskeho vyboru.Plne znenie.

Dear Federations
Members of the ISMF

It’s with great pleasure and satisfaction that I’m writing to inform you that the Executive Board of
the International Olympic Committee decided on 10th April to grant recognition to the ISMF, as an
Olympic Federation for a provisional period of two years.
The positive result we have all reached is of course the first step of many, on a road we all need to
walk along together, towards hopefully achieving ski mountaineering as a fully recognized
official sport in the Olympic Games.
As you can imagine this has taken a lot of hard work and I’d like to thank all those, every single
person, who has participated in this and given support to the ISMF in order to reach this objective.
Many people both during and prior to my presidency have dedicated many hours of their free time
to this common goal and the ISMF would never have succeeded without all this effort. This is just
the start of our journey to Mount Olympus and I feel it’s important to also show my appreciation
of all those who will continue to work on this project over the next few months and well into the
In particular I would like to thank the Federations of Andorra, France, Korea, Italy, Spain and the
German Alpine Club for their financial support to the Olympic project.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the Plenary Assembly in June, I remain available for any
further information you may require. I would also kindly ask you to forward information about
this development to your National Olympic Committee and to all your stakeholders.
All my best
Armando Mariotta
ISMF-SKI President

Katarína Belicová      2014-04-14 23:14:31            [Zobrazené 800x]          Odkaz na Facebook

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